“Taxi Pretty Lady?”

“Taxi Pretty Lady?”

Many people are still speculating what a Trump America will look like for the vast amount of minorities whom he has threatened– and it is for the most part speculation, because no one really knows. But I have been living for the past two months in a culture where machisimo has been allowed to run rampant and I can tell you exactly what that looks like. Continue reading “Taxi Pretty Lady?”

What can I say…?

I wanted to cry, but I couldn’t. I wanted to understand what was happening, but I couldn’t. I wanted to kick and scream and overthrow the government in one night, but I couldn’t. All I could do was sit on a chair 90 miles off the coast of Florida and watch the only home I have ever known be delivered into the hands of a mad man. Continue reading What can I say…?

Old Men’s Club

Old Men’s Club

Every evening groups of domino players spring up on the Havana sidewalks. They gather in the same spots, under the same trees, around the same rickety tables, by the same light of the same flickering streetlamps. Continue reading Old Men’s Club

On Cuba…

The first thing that you absolutely must know is that Cubans are crazy. You might think that it is a good idea to follow a large crowd of them across the street since they are more familiar with the traffic rules and know when it is safe. You would be wrong, and shortly thereafter, dead. Continue reading On Cuba…



It is amazing to me that a people who were for so long silenced under repressive government regimes have managed to retain their ability for self-expression. Despite nearly 60 years under Castro and the blockade, and before that the Batista regime, Cuban culture overflows with art, music and dance. Continue reading Expresión